Natural Care Anxiety Relief is an advanced, safe and natural medicine that has been successfully used by thousands of people. It brings prompt symptomatic relief of occasional minor anxiety, fear, worry, panicky feelings and apprehension associated with everyday life without synthetic drugs or side effects. And doesn't require a prescription.
For Symptoms of Anxiety and Stress:
- Anxiety, Worry or Nervousness
- Apprehension
- Panicky Feelings
Ingredients: Aconitum napellus 9X; Argentum Nitricum 8X; Arsenicum Album 9X; Aurum Metallicum 8X; Gelsemium sempervirens 8X, 30X; Hyoscyamus niger 6X, 12X; Ignatia amara 6X, 12X; Kali Carbonicum 12X, 30X; Moschus 12X; Natrum Muriaticum 6X, 12X, 30X; and Piper methysticum 3X, 6X, 12X, 30X, Dextrose.
Suggested Use:Adults and children age 12 and older, take one capsule 10-15 minutes before each meal. If you feel hungry between meals, you may take one capsule as needed between meals, up to 9 capsules per day, or as directed by a doctor. This product's effectiveness is directly related to the degree to which you reduce your usual daily food intake. Attempts at weight reduction which involve the use of this product should be limited to periods not exceeding 3 months, because that should be enough time to establish new eating habits.
Safety Information: Do not take more than Recommended Dose. Keep Away from small children. Keep in a safe temperature. Avoid leaving in extreme temperatures (Too Hot/Too Cold). Safest temperature is room temperature, generally 70° F