Diabetes is a disease in which your blood glucose or blood sugar levels are too high. We get glucose through the foods that we eat. Glucose gets into your cells by a hormone called Insulin. There are 2 types of Diabetes; Type 1, in which your body just does not make Insulin. Type 2, is when your body does not make or us Insulin well. This is also the most common type of Diabetes. If there is not enough insulin, the glucose stays in your blood. Having too much of this glucose can cause damage to the eyes, kidneys and nerves. It can also lead to Heart Disease, Stroke and even lead to serious amputations of the limbs. In addition to Type 1 and Type 2, there is also Pre-diabetes, which is when your blood sugar levels are high and at risk of turning into Type 2 Diabetes. There is also Gestational Diabetes which only pregnant women can get.